Sunday, September 23, 2007

What a Week!

Man I tell you it has been a week from "h e double hockey sticks!" My mom and sister and the two wee ones left Wednesday for Tampa. I will miss my sis so much and probably won't see her til after the baby is born (February). Hopefully they will opt to buy a new car over Christmas and will drive up to buy one from Johnny Stevenson in Wilmington. Other than that I fear the only way I will see her is if I fly to Tampa. Maybe I will take a long weekend and call in sick to Kindergarten! Hee Hee!! So, back to my week. I have a cold. Don't know how I caught it or from which 5 yr old, but I have the green snot flowing! Lovely! So, this cold hit me on Thursday afternoon and I felt absolutely terrible on Friday. Should have stayed home and slept, but no, went to school to be punished and have medicine head! I had the worst night on Wednesday. I woke up at 1;30 and tossed and turned. Finally sat up and read from 2-3 then tried to go back to sleep. My mind was racing with all the things that I have to do at work in the next two weeks. Tons of meetings and paperwork to fill out, observation to complete, grant to fill out, Individual growth plan to fill out, oh, and teach. Don't forget that! The good news of the week was that Will was asked to escort Erica for Homecoming court. She is a sweet girl, cheerleader, pretty. Her mom works with me. Now, I have to figure out what Will needs to wear. He says her dress is black and tan. Hmmmm..... I would like to buy him a new shirt and tie, but I wonder if we should just borrow a black suit for him. But, would that be too much, a suit? I don't want him looking like a dork! Black dress pants? I hate black pants, I am really more of a khaki kinda girl. Then you have to wear black shoes, cuz top siders would look stupid with black pants. Sheesh!! All this has to be figured out like today! I guess we will have to go shopping maybe Monday. I really don't want to be at the mall on Thursday night trying to figure this out!
I have decided that when clothes are washed/dried, they need to be folded right away. My husband however feels different about that! We have a laundry basket in our laundry room and about 2 weeks ago I sat down with it, folded everything and it was all clean. That is when I decided I was sick of it being piled high with clothes. I figured if you don't have time to wash, dry and fold, don't wash! I have mentioned this to my husband, but apparently he is deaf. I told him that is like in baseball when the pitcher is taken out of the game, all the runners on base are his responsibility, just like the laundry in the basket. So, this morning I folded laundry that he washed that was in the dryer, and put the new clothes in the dryer. He has assured me that when he gets up, he will take care of it. Hmmm.... we will see. I hate to leave all those runners on base, but if that laundry basket is overflowing when I get home from work that is where it is staying. Ok, this is a long post..... I will tell you what I bought at Target later. I love it!!

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