Friday, July 18, 2008

He's Just a Sk8r Boy.....

I had really high hopes that I would get a blog entry in everyday, but alas.... wasn't meant to be! Although in my defense this picture was taken yesteday of Ward. He and some friends have found this old abandoned place (sorry, he told me not tell ya) to skate. Yes, me being the good mom went out there yesterday and took them some Gatorade and snapped a few pix! He has a few skate scrapes on his knee and on his chin. I guess those are badges of honor. Anyway we are all gearing up at our house for the new Batman flick coming out this weekend. Will and Tyler are coming home from camp tomorrow and want to go see it. I can't wait to go, but they want to go Saturday night and I am supposed to be involved with a sleepover with all my girlfriends from high school. So, I may have to bow out and go see it on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be yucky anyway, some sort of tropical system. I have started a scarf for Christmas for the Kindergarten children. I went to Wal Mart yesterday and stocked up on some Red Hart. I know, not the best yarn, but cheap and the kids use the scarves for leashes, belts, tug of war... you name it. So, I figured the cheaper the better!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Peace Out Sugars!

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