Tuesday, August 15, 2006

New sweet smelling baby!

Well, it has been forever since I posted last. But a lot has happened. My sister had a new lovely, beautiful little girl. I was in Alabama for a week with her and her family. Had a wonderful time cooking for her and playing with her daughter Lilly. Took naps, ran, went to the movie, it was nice. We are in the process of moving to our new house. It is a bear! We lived in the same place for 10 years and I don't know how we accumulated so much crap, but we have. I have been throwing away stuff right and left. It is hard because this is the house that my children have grown up in. We moved there when my youngest was 2. So, there are a lot of memories and a lot of drawings and scrap paper and stuff that I have saved. It is hard knowing what to keep and what to throw away. I sometimes wish that my mom would have kept some of my toys, but really what for? We still have quite a lot of stuff in the house and haven't even attempted the attic, which is frightening! We are moving into a smaller house, no real giant attic to speak of, but that is ok. I have decided that it is time to have a grown-up house, and the view is wonderful. Right on the ICW in swansboro. I have eaten my breakfast on the porch two mornings in a row. I just wish I was Samantha from Bewitch and I could wiggle my nose and the house would be unpacked and the other house would be cleaned out and sold! The bad part is the timing, I have to go back to school tomorrow, so I will be having to do all this and get ready to welcome some wonderful Kindergarten children! YIKES!!! The Tylenol PM is calling my name! I am including a picture of sis and girls! So, thrilled to have a new baby!!

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