Sunday, March 02, 2008

Migraines and other things

First of all have had the wortst migraine since yesterday. My head was actually thumping this morning. It has subsided somewhat but I know it is still there just waiting. Ok, on to more happy things. Number one happy thing from yesterday, I bought some cuties. Don't know what they are? Little Mandarin oranges. Oh my goodness they are wonderful!! Sweet as sugar! And the best part two of them are only 1 weight watchers point! Two! Can't even believe it! Yes, I rejoined weight watchers. I am heavier than I would like to be. There, enough said about that. Number two happy thing, my child went on an overnight camping/4 wheeler trip about 2 hours away and he survived it and had a great time. This was big for me, letting him go. But it is bound to happen, he is a junior in high school and will be in college soon enough. When that happens, I will have no idea what he is doing. You know no one tells you about this letting go stuff when you have a baby, too bad they can't stay 5 forever. I am currently working on a scarf, it is being knit out of eyelash pink yarn. I hate this yarn, really hate it. But it is for a sweet little 6 year old I know and that is the only reason I am doing it. Thank goodness I am almost finished. I feel bad I haven't posted all week. I have been way to busy. Time to slow down. Hope everyone out there in blog land has a relaxing, headache free sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Migraines stink! I hope you are feeling better. The mandarin oranges sound yummy! Can't beat 1 point, either.